Dear Parents,
Thank you for visiting our website! Temple Christian High School is a Ministry of Temple Baptist Church. Our Mission is to provide a Christ-centered Education promoting the Gospel, proper reasoning, a Biblical worldview, and pure imagination with the Bible as the Primary center of learning. Temple Christian High School will only use the Authorized King James Version of the Holy Bible as the center of all its educational endeavors and all our curricula will meet the requirements set forth by Temple Baptist Church as led by God and His Word.
Thank you for your prayerful consideration in entrusting us with your student and their education. We do NOT take that lightly. We will Endeavour to teach all Subjects from a Biblical Perspective and with a Biblical Worldview in mind as this is the BEST Way to prepare your Students for the future that God has in store for them whether that be a Vocation, College, University, or even the Gospel Ministry.
Here at TCHS we serve to ASSIST you as parents in providing a truly Christian environment that should reinforce what you are striving to teach your children at home. We CANNOT and are NOT here to replace you as parents and we are not here to usurp your authority, but we will WORK to give your Students a Biblical guide to live by and ALL our Staff will Strive to be a truly Christian Example to them.

​​Pastor Brian Magaw
​Head of School
Bachelor of Science in Theology
Bachelor of Science in Information Technology